Copyright WWW.DBBP.COM | updated 23-December-2024

Project started October 2023,

Now that we have offset the transmission to the left to allow the chain to clear the fat tire, and installed a shorter mainshaft to keep the bike as narrow as possible, now we need to line up the primary belt. We are using a 1-1/2" wide BDL belt with 11 mm teeth, this is a very strong belt compared to the usual 8 mm teeth ones.

Before installing the belt we made a brass plug to replace the primary chain oiler as the belt does not need oil.
We fabricated a steel plate that can bolt to the left case, from this we will weld some steel strip to the transmission fixing the distance between engine and transmission at the correct belt tension. This will give us all the hole locations and I will use these to design the final beltplate


The front pully is a 2-piece item and the splined center is available in several thicknesses, but not the right one for this bike. We will machine down the thick one in the last pic to get the correct offset.
