Copyright WWW.DBBP.COM | updated 8-November-2004

California Trip Part 4:

On Monday morning we had to make sure Fred's bike got picked up to be shipped back to Belgium and then we were invited to Joe McGlynn's place for a barbecue, so we set off towards Santa Cruz.
Joe lives in a beautifull house in Scotts Valley and behind this house is a nice big garage full of tools! He has more than most bike shops, especially sheet metal tools, so we had lots of stuff to play with during the barbecue.

Some of the projects he is working on: a Studebaker pickup sectioned and chopped with a big Cadillac engine, a frame jig, various bike parts (1 or 2 of them designed by me). Before I came to America Joe had asked me if I could send him cross-sections of the fueltank I have on Cadbike #27, and he had them printed out fullsize on a large sheet of paper.
During the barbecue we sawed out all the sections and made a buck to shape the Cadbike #27 tank. Some friends of Joe also came by and we really enjoyed ourselves talking bikes and cars, eating and trying out Joe's collection of cool tools.

Me and Alan Sputhe

One of Joe's friends, Brian, invited us to come visit him the next morning, if you like old American iron as much as I do you will really like the pics I will show you next week.......


All pics by Mark "Duckman" van der Kwaak,